Hi everybody! Hoping for some help on this. I have a school paper due soon and my topic is on job satisfaction for commercial fisherman/women. Please take a couple minutes to fill out this short anonymous survey. This survey was made by me, a high school student. I live in Florida, and I am currently a sophomore. The data I receive from this survey will give information that I will use in my research paper. Overall, I will be comparing questions and answers in order to make t- tests and ANOVAAs. The t-tests and ANOVAAs provide me with a data analysis so I can make certain conclusions in my paper. My main goal is to find out data that is statistically significant because that creates a general discussion in my paper.


The link will take you to a google form on US commercial fishermen/women and their job satisfaction.

Really appreciate your help on this and thank you!

Posted Mon Feb 01, 2021 9:50 pm

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