

Massachusetts, USA
Member since April 30th, 2011

Dan's Latest Reports

I've been chasing Charlie (Bluefin) Tuna all summer. My friend bought a great boat and got me into tuna fishing and its become an obsession.

Been out a bunch of times with not even a bite! WTF. We target these fish on spinning gear. Big Shimano Stellas on a 7.5 to 8 foot tuna spinning rods.

A week and a half ago I finally hook into a fish. Its a big one. 65 inch range. We fight the fish for a half hour and "SNAP" leader fails. Heart break city.

We head back out yesterday. This has to be the day?!?! Day starts off great. We are seeing good schools of tuna destroying bait on top of the water and BANG....Capt hooks a fish. Its in the high 40 inch range. We fight the fish, get it to the boat, get the gaff in its mouth.....it shakes like crazy....lure and gaff come unbuttoned. Fish swims away. WTF!!!!

Hour later I hook into a 40 inch range fish......shakes the hook after 5 minutes. WTF, WTF!!!! I am now about to throw my rod overboard and give up.

Its approaching noon and we are near the shipping lanes off of Provincetown. All of a sudden we see some big fish, 65 to 75 inch range crushing bait! We get 2 lures in the madness and BANG. Double header!!! Both big fish. After 15 minutes of madness the Capt loses his fish. Line snaps.

The capt and I switch off fighting the fish and the battle lasted about 45 minutes. We are spent so hand the rod to Matt the Muscle (who hasn't caught a fish over 20 lbs) to close out the fish and get it to the boat so the harpoon can be placed in its head!!! We came very close to losing it on the prop right before we put the harpoon into its head! I can't believe how strong these tuna are but once you see one up close you realize its a gigantic football that's all muscle.

Final measurement was 69.5 inches. Estimated weight around 200-210 lbs???

Caught on a Shimano Stella 18000, Blackhole Cape Cod Special rod (8 feet), JB Hollow core 80 lb test with a "Wind O from Basil". I'm withholding the lure info...sorry!!!!

Posted 9 years ago

Hit the Res on Sunday with a couple buddy's. Arrived nice and early. Lines in the water before 6. Using shiners and also throwing lures.

No action until around 8:30 Tom gets a bite on a jig. Expected a smallie...NOPE. Lake trout. It was long but kind of skinny. We stayed at their for another hour an decided to move locations and grab a quick bite.

Spot #2
We put the bait away and focused on pounding the shoreline with lures. After a half hour or so I see a huge smallie cruising the shoreline. I'm tossing my jerkbait at him, he stops and takes a look but he didn't bite it. WTF. Keep going. 15 minutes later I got a fish on. I expect a smallie but its a fat rainbow. I get it off the hook, snap a quick pick and let it go but it didn't make it. It floats to the surface so I got to keep it. I weigh it and its over 3lbs. PIN FISH! Take it over to B&A and get it weighed. 3 lbs 3 oz, 19 inches long, 11 inch girth. Also got a large pickeral.

Posted 9 years ago

Went out with Tuna fishing with Captain Dom of Coastal Charters Sportfishing last week. Departer Orleans and made the 30+ mile run to Regal Sword.

We spent the day mostly jigging but also casting RonZ's. Boat hooked up with 6 tuna total. Biggest was about 170lbs. We landing all 6. Kept 2 and tagged and released the other 4. The day was more than I expected to say the least!!

If anyone is interested in Tuna fishing you got to give Captain Dom a call. Check him out on facebook.

Some video attached on the last fish of the day. I take over the rod at the 1:45 mark.


Posted 11 years ago

Spent 2 weeks on Newfound lake. Was able to get out and fish a bunch of times but I've got 2 small boys so I can't fish as much as I'd like.
Still managed a bunch of smallies. Biggest was 3 lbs 11 oz. and I got 4 over 3.5 lbs and a few in the 2.5+ lb range. Also caught a big catfish (what a surprise).

The sunset pic is upside down. sorry!


Posted 11 years ago

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Hit my local honey hole saturday. Things didn't start on time but I was able to get out and land 2 monster bass. Haven't had a day like this in a long time!!!

Of course I didn't have my scale (fell out of my bag in my truck) but first fish was 19 inches, second was 20 inches and both were nice and fat.

Both caught with 5 in senkos (baby bass color)

Posted 11 years ago

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Was finally able to get out and fish friday night. Hit spot pond.
Got a nice one (3lb) on a bomber shad (picture).
Got one about the same size on a 5 in senko.
Had a bigger one but it spit the hook before I could get it in. Got it on a lake fork shad. Pumpkin

Posted 13 years ago

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