
Greg C.

gloucester twp, New Jersey, USA
Member since October 7th, 2012
Love to fish

General Info

MY WIFE of 26years...AND KIDS- 2 boys 22 and 14
Favorite Fish to Catch
Largemouth BASS-pickerel
Favorite Type of Fishing
regular rod and reel
Water Type
Favorite Lures
rooster tails - Strike King spinner baits and a jitterbug
Fishing Rods
9 Total
2 Zebco stingray
1 daiwa regal #6312
2 southbend wormgear
2 shakespear contender
1 browning
1 bass pro shop Brawler rod it's a one piece 51/2 long with a Daiwa sweepfire reel #4050ra just got it wed. oct.30 haven't used it yet.
Fishing Reels
whatever came with the rods, nothing fancy - got most of them from my dad - ( sept. 2013 ) just got 2 new reels shimano xr4000's, they work beautifully!!! My other ones were just old and noisy and they were starting to not work when a bigger fish was hooked - so it was time to go!
Fishing Techniques
I scan the water as i approach, trying to see possible hiding/ambush sights - hanging trees, weeds, algae patches, along shorelines, fallen trees, waterpipes, little coves and inlets along the banks, channels in the middle of weed/algae patches. Have mainly been using a strike king blue/yellow spinner and 2 jitterbugs and a hula popper all summer and have caught ALOT of fish this year. Have only had to use live worms 3-4 times this year.
Favorite Fishing Spot
Any lake-pond-creek i can get to
# of MAFF Friends

Greg C.'s Latest Reports

It's really a small pond- i didn't believe there was fish in here. My youngest boy said his friend at school said it had fish, so after mowing the grass...i went. It's half filled with algae, but lots of fishable spots. Caught 5 bass and 2 crappie. Kids have thrown a shopping cart and the base of a basketball hoop into the water. 2 kids were throwing sticks at some geese and their babies, they hit 1 pretty good-they were sneaking around to do it again, so i yelled - yo, your not throwing anything else at the birds! They went into the woods. Then i hear and see rocks being thrown near me, so i said you better knock it off. After 20 minutes i hear and see a nice sized stick come through the trees and land about 10 feet from me. I put my pole down walked into the woods and saw them and said-you realize i'm an off duty police officer...they said what? So i repeated what i said. I then told them to stop with the rock and stick throwing or i'm getting their info and calling their parents. They said ok, and split. They made a few comments, but i let it go at that. Bunch of smartasses. Other than those 2 idiots it was a nice 90 minute fishing trip. 1st time i went fishing this weekend. We went to an all day concert yesterday in camden...cold roses, rival sons, halestorm, pretty reckless, seether, breaking benjamin,
stone temple pilots and slash. It was awesome, we only saw the last 4 bands, but slash kicked ass. Been wanting to see him for 20 years, glad i finally did!

Posted 25 years ago

AWESOME! It's smaller than most stores, but is 2 levels. Hunting and guns are upstairs. Autograph line and checkout lines were through the whole store. The checkout line only took 20 minutes...thank god. The fish tank is small, but had about 25 fish in it. There was a waterfall above it. We got close enough to see brian westbrook kevin vandam and the guys from wicked tuna-which was cool. I will post some pictures. Overall experience was excellent, despite the crowd. Got a new hinged jitterbug lure, i have never seen 1, so i had to get it. Got 2 basspro hats, 2 t shirts and a microlite fishing pole, and 2 fleece jackets. 54.00 for all of the stuff. The parking lot is small, we had to go around the block 3 times, they had a sign that said full, but i got out and pointed out to security, that there were 20-25 spaces, so they let us in. Overall, it is an amazing store, can't wait for the crowds to go away and check out the thousands of lures....

Posted 25 years ago

Went to a hidden lake on rt.561-the back trail had no tresspassing signs and 2 huge security i drove to kresson lake about 4 miles away. Caught a big pikerel by rt.73, then no bites. There are woods alongside the lake, so i went deep woods to get to the far end of the lake. I trudged through thickets and stickers and when it got real bad, went towards the lake. Found 1 spot that i had maybe a foot of space around to cast out. A few fish charged the lure, but no hook ups. I moved 15 feet to another spot-with about 2 feet of space. I had barely enough room to cast out-had to throw the line over some small limbs to get the lure 25-30 feet across small channel. BAMMMMM! Found the hackpot zone- i could see the boils and then the wakes charging my lure. Caught 3 2pd bass and 6 pikerels in about 35 minutes....i will upload the pictures later-i definitely will not be able to get to this spot unril next spring. It will have summer weeds and be loaded with ticks...but today will be remembered forever!

Posted 25 years ago

Went here saturday to scout 2 huge ponds i've seen on my map app....finally found them deep in the woods. Sorry to say there are no fish in either pond. The water is only 3-4 inches deep! The shoreline is totally overgrown with trees and stickers. Found a few spots to cast out, all i got was muck on the hook. There are 3 other ponds here on this side of road, checked them out last year and they also do not have any fish. What a bummer, all that hiking and nothing. The other side of the road has 2 huge ponds, only fished 1 and caught alot of pikerels. Gonna try to fish the other 1 this weekend and see if it has anything going on!

Posted 25 years ago

Took my youngest boy with me on a trip to baltimore and wash.dc wednesday and thursday. Before we checked into the hotel in laurel....we went to a bass pro shop store at the arundell mall. What a huge store. We only saw half the store, the fishing side. Wow, what a place and they have a huge tank of fish. They had 5 to 20 pound fish swimming around. Huge largemouth and stripers, gar, catfish, carp and the biggest sunnies i've ever seen. We stayed an hour. Checked into the hotel, went to the goddard space center, fort mchenry and went to see the orioles and angels game. Thursday we went to dc and saw the vietnam,korea,ww2,lincoln memorials. We went to arlington cemetary,drove around the city. We saw the whitehouse, the wash.monument. We had a baseball catch in a field near the reflecting pool with the wash.monument in the background. It was awesome. We paddle boated in the tidal basin to the jefferson memorial. Then we went to see our phillies beat the nationals....what an awesome trip. Didnt do any fishing down there...didnt see many lakes or ponds. So glad we have so many places to fish around here. Got home friday at 1230. I went out today and caught a 1 pond bass, it wasnt a big fish, but it was a fish! I was having withdrawal, but it was cured when i landed that bass.

Posted 10 years ago

Took my youngest boy with me on a trip to baltimore and wash.dc wednesday and thursday. Before we checked into the hotel in laurel....we went to a bass pro shop store at the arundell mall. What a huge store. We only saw half the store, the fishing side. Wow, what a place and they have a huge tank of fish. They had 5 to 20 pound fish swimming around. Huge largemouth and stripers, gar, catfish, carp and the biggest sunnies i've ever seen. We stayed an hour. Checked into the hotel, went to the goddard space center, fort mchenry and went to see the orioles and angels game. Thursday we went to dc and saw the vietnam,korea,ww2,lincoln memorials. We went to arlington cemetary,drove around the city. We saw the whitehouse, the wash.monument. We had a baseball catch in a field near the reflecting pool with the wash.monument in the background. It was awesome. We paddle boated in the tidal basin to the jefferson memorial. Then we went to see our phillies beat the nationals....what an awesome trip. Didnt do any fishing down there...didnt see many lakes or ponds. So glad we have so many places to fish around here. Got home friday at 1230. I went out today and caught a 1 pond bass, it wasnt a big fish, but it was a fish! I was having withdrawal, but it was cured when i landed that bass.

Posted 10 years ago

big pond/lake 200 feet away from the delaware river - 2 miles from the del. mem. bridge. Our 1st time here, 100% access to the water all over this lake. Lots of open water, and small inlets. We had lots of attacks on the lures, and 2 hook ups, but no fish landed. There were 3 big bass jumping out of the water at one end of a canal. They hit the jitterbug and the blue/yellow spinner. We went to delaware and stopped here on the way back home. Only fished for an hour, but we will be back. It's 40 miles from the house, so when we get here, it will be for a few hours. There's also a nice lake 2 miles from here ( no name ) that has huge fish in it, so it will be an all day trip!

Posted 25 years ago

Map it

We finally decided to go and hunt for the bass that we have never seen in this lake. There are HUGE sunnies here at the deep end of the lake. This used to be a camp/swim club back in the day - there's a cement wall only at this end. We walked through the woods about 500 feet to the shallow end. I got a new lure for this occasion - HEDDON TORPEDO brown crawdad color - Well after 2 casts....we found the bass! There's a few small clumps of reeds and stuff, but no algae - and some lily pad areas and some tall green reeds - we had 9 attacks on the lure, from different spots! Only had 1 hook up, and he fell off on the retrieve. This lure attracts fish but, the hook is small and to close to the little propeller. There's not much room for the fish to bite - get hooked - i'm trying to find a bigger hook that won't affect the lure. We went back today - cut down a few trees and overhanging limbs for more room....and only got 2 hits on the same lure, it was a similar day as yesterday but no action! Oh well, that's fishing!

Posted 25 years ago

Had all last week off - we fished a few local areas and some new spots close to home. Woodbury's stewart lake and we made it down to harrisonville lake - nearby east lake and nearby woodstown lake on wednesday. We went up to asbury park on friday, met dennis and judi from 101.5 radio and got to fish sunset lake. It's a beautiful lake, separated by a road, but lots of spots to fish from. We only got to fish for 30 minutes, so we didn't find where they were hiding. Yesterday we went up to lakewood to watch the blueclaws game and got to fish a few spots at rt.9 and rt.528 - i got a blue gill and a nice pikerel that fell off the line. We drove 5 minutes past the stadium onto oberlin ave and went to a pond behind a lumber company. Only fished here 20 minutes, and didn't get any bites, but we'll be back to get some. Traffic and the thunderstorm severly cut down our fishing time, which was a major bummer.
The game started late and we left in the 7th inning, we had an hour and a half drive home and we won the tickets in asbury park, or we would've stayed til the end.
We passed alot of spots off of rt.70 on the way down, but we'll have to wait til the fall to fish these, there were too many overhanging trees and overgrown weeds.
There are hundred's of ponds and lakes all over this state and we plan to fish as many as we can over the years. After the rain we fished today for an hour at berlin lake, had 12 strikes, only hooked 5 fish, didn't land any! My hooks are debarbed, so we lose some, but it was an action packed hour of fishing!
We had a great week and even though we didn't catch too many fish - we created 1000 memories. Bummed that it's over, but that's life i guess.

Posted 11 years ago

Wound up just past rt.295 on rt. 38 in mt. laurel about 1215 today. Big lake in front of a ruby tuesday - couldn't fia there - drove 1 minute into an industrial park - 2 nice lakes - couldn't fish trespassing signs! Crossed back over rt.38 - 2 minutes later we were across from the NFL FILMS bldg. found 2 nice ponds - couldn't fish here - private property and no trespassing signs. Drove 2 more minutes to hartford road and FINALLY found a nice sized lake to fish. Got to fish for an hour and i didn't catch a thing, but Jeremy got 2 nice 1 pound bass, near the lilypads with a spinnerbait. on the way home we saw a new developement they were building and found a new pond in the back - no signs , so we fished for about 20 fish. It was a nice day out, found a new place to fish and 6 places we couldn't fish ( bummer ), but it was still an adventure and a beautiful day. Hope to get more fishing in next time we get out this way.

Posted 11 years ago

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