First trip for Bassinbrooksy to Quabog, looking for something with a toothy smile for a pic and release. Turns out the new guy had himself quite a day, with atleast 7 flags, while landing 3 nice pickeral, all hovering around two pounds. The rest of us only managed 8 flags, resulting in 2 pickeral for me, both short of two pounds, but Muskiebigfish and Ham were repeated fly-by time guys!
The gem of the day was landed by our new friend Jim Brinson. Jim was fishing alone and as we were picking up Jim got a flag that seemed to take out a mile of line. After watching him battle the weeds and eventually a 39.25 inch 17 lb northern, I was able to video this beautiful fish released back for another fight.
Posted 12 years ago
Going to meet up with a union brother of mine from Peru Ma, @ Goose pond in Lee quite frankly because it's only half the distance to Lake Bomoseen, and supossedly the ice is safe...we shall see...
Posted 13 years ago
27 Members
With 68 Total Points
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Total Overall Points: 68