
Tyler Cameron

Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA
Member since September 27th, 2011

General Info

FISHING! and anything on two wheels
Favorite Fish to Catch
Bucketmouths and bronzebacks
Favorite Type of Fishing
Water Type
Favorite Lures
Jigs, Chattersbaits, topwaters,
Fishing Rods
7 MH BPS Carbonlite.
6.6 M abu garcia vendetta
7'6 MH Powell Diesel
6'6 MH BPS Extreme
Fishing Reels
Lew tournament pro speed spool
Quantum PT kinetic
Abu garcia black max
BPS Extreme
Fishing Techniques
Heavy cover.
Favorite Fishing Spot
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With two days of august left i wanted to get a solid trip at one of my spots that's good in the summer. Was on the water by 7:00am and fished hard until about 4:00pm.
Was concentrating on swimbait's and swimming a jig. Ended up with some great results and a crazy encounter.

Fish were feeding everyone. Bass could be caught at any depth in the BOW. So there was no real pattern. Just some productive lures. boated atleast 30lb bass between 1-5lbs and lost two that could of been 5+. Caught some angry pickerel and lost a GIANT! One of the biggest pickerel I've seen in a long time.

What made today a very special day was catching TWO BASS on ONE LURE!! Heard about it before and seen it youtube, but finally i had a first hand experience and a very good one indeed.

Awesome way to end the last of the summer days.

A good summer of bassin it's been. Just wish i caught a 7+ to end the summer. Still got the fall to kick some BASS!!

Posted 11 years ago

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Was out on the water by 8:00am with only two rods deciding that i was going to dedicate the day throwing only two lures, both being swimbaits. Started chucking the bbz for the majority of the morning catching a few nice ones until the luck of the cast i hook up with a easy contender for my 2013 PB. My 7'6 Powell doubled over like a ugly stick and thought i had her pinned. Notice how i said thought.....After 15-25 secs of fighting her back to the boat she surfaced 30ft or so away from me headshook vigorously and as soon i saw that jumbo bucketmouth my bbz went flying. Dropped the rod and just sat for the next couple mins ago contemplating on drowning myself ....

As most other anglers i just had to suck it up and be happy i at least hooked up with a beast. Retied and kept at it with the bbz. Hooked up with some other quality fish. Went back through some spots already fished and started throwing the s-waver. First 4 cast i already had a nice follower. Hooked up with a fish quickly after and as soon as i go for another cast my braid wraps around the tip and BOINK! $17 lure goes flying, not to mention a NEW $17 lure. Only caught maybe a handful of fish on it. Landed less than 5ft of water, but failed to retrieve it after a solid 45mins of looking. Amazed the tip was still intact.

Aggravated at the lost of a lure and defeated by a lunker. I was pretty pissed off. I keep throwing the bbz and hook up with a few more. Called it quits by 5ish. If it wasn't for the fish i did catch the day would of been horrible. All in all it was another memorable day on the water.

Good day for swimbaits especially right around the prime big fish time when the wind picked up. Had alot of followers to giant bass and picks to schools of baitfish.

Posted 11 years ago

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Wanted to quickly share a very odd and frustrating day i had on the water. I'll try and keep it short and sweet, but it starts off like this....

I arrive at the pond around 11:00 and go straight to a sweet spot i knew had a bunch of big bass lurking. I get at the spot and instantly saw the big bass i was excepting to be there CRUSHING balls of bait. I've seen largies chase down bait, but never ever like this. It was complete insanity on the water. I watched multiple big bass chasing down the schools on the surface and was chasing the bait out of the water!!!! With goliath beast bass chasing down viciously i quickly scrambled for a bait that would be the right ticket. Worried that this intense feeding period would soon be over i just started chucking lures. I had a jig tied on caked with megastrike craw scent. Made less than 10 pitches and got my first bump. Didn't even have the chance to think about setting the hook and the jig dropped back to the bottom. So i keep at it and not really getting much. Then i start watching my surroundings more closly as im fishing and notice that theres not just 1, but four or more 3lbs+ just staring at my jig on a pitch!! For the next 5 mins or so i just kept watching them nose my lure, but no takers!! It was absolutely disgusting watching it. I watched over 15 or so largemouth from 2bs too around 6lb just stare. I couldn't take it anymore i took off the jig and tried something else that would resemble the baitfish they were hunting down. With the bass smashing the surface i figured the buzzbait would be a great choice. Many casts later and really puzzled an kinda angry in a dumb way i was about to pack up my things and call it quits and pretend the day never happened after sitting in the same area the bass were feeding all day and yet couldn't catch S***.... BAM fish on! Wasn't nearly the quality of the fish that were lurking, but nevertheless a nice fish. With that bass landed it gave me more motivation to keep at it. Again many cast later and nothing... It was getting kinda late and i was really burnt out from getting ramrodded all day. Sitting there with everyone's favorite mine frame of "Just one more fish" i was done. Literately on my last 2 or three cast i hear KAAAAPOOOLOOSHHH and right away i was greeted by the great feeling of a lunker! After a great fight and some fantastic jumps i finally got the quality i was after....

Overall it was a good day despite the potential to get a 30lb limit and all the jumbo lunkers just laughin at me. I learned quite abit about one of my waters...

Posted 24 years ago

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Finally after putting in some time today i got my first GOOD largemouth today on a swimbait I was throwing a Spro BBZ-1 6in JR in BB Herring. Was concentrating on points with good drop offs. Found a really good looking point with lilypads around the shallow bend. Casted way ahead of the point...Let my SB fall at least 5ft and BARLEY retrieved it. After a soild 10 secs or i gave it a nice twitch and let it fall...Stared retriveing again and WAMM! Could instantly tell i hooked up with a nice one. She gave a good fight, but i tamed my first soild swimbait bass! Was super excited and felt wonderful! Besides that just got a couple under 3lb and a nice fatty to end the night on a white buzzbait

Posted 11 years ago

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Decided to hit up the pond. Really wanted to take advantage of the overcast and was looking to hook up with some bigguns. Didn't arrive untill 4:00...Really wanted to fish from 9:00am to 5:00pm. Regardless still had some great action. So right off the bat i get on the water with a booyah pad crasher tied on. Make less than 5 cast and already had a nice blow up. Missed. Move down 25ft from the first hit and in some heavy gunk... i got another blow except this one was alot bigger. Missed again. So alittle aggravated i keep with it and guess.. Another hit and miss!At this point im about to give up on the frog after missing two quality fish. Still stuck with it and moved to the main lake. Started fishing heavy emergent and submergent weeds with the pad crasher and my long time friend the chatterbait. Haven't used a chatterbait in awhile so took a bit to get back in the groove and find a good retrieve for the day. A few cast into using it and BAM first fish on. Ended up battling with a chunky bass that fought like a 7lb smallmouth. The bass jumped several times, but the first jump ended up shooting up atleast 4ft. It was absolutely amazing and memorizing watching a 3lb+ jump like that. To top it off the same fish jumped right over the front of my little 9ft boat. Was almost a inch from landing in the boat. Was the most heart pumping action packed bass i've caught in A LONG TIME. Felt like i was using a light action rod with my drag set super low. Anyways after the ride that largie took me i committed to the chatter. Got some nice bass and some big pickerel fishing in and around emergent weeds. Also threw the pad crasher shallow under some brush and overhangs. Was a great evening between the awesome mix of big and small bass and a few intense pickerel plus the foggy chill evening . I almost stayed out for the night bite. A thick overcast an breeze starting with lots of baitfish hitting the surface i could almost smell a new PB.

Posted 11 years ago

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Went down to a little 3 acre pond with decent expectations. Ended up being one of those non-stop action days from 4-8 with a hollow body frog. Caught ridiculous amount of largemouth slowly circling the pond between 8-17ins and a lunker over 4+! Lost another around the same size and got a blow up that seem like a whale smashed a topwater! Ended up only losing a couple too making it one of the best and funniest topwater evenings on the water and with my thumb almost at a bleeding point.

Another great trip!

Posted 11 years ago

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Hit the pond with a friend today around 3:00pm. I was throwing jigs and topwater frogs and my buddy was using a couple different things between senkos,crankbaits,jitterbug.
Hooked up with a couple decent guys around 2-3lbs and my bud got a HUGE pickerel. Had to be at least 4-5lbs on the jitterbug. He decided to go home since the fishing was kinda slow. I stayed out by myself and started fishing some different parts of the pond. Ended up hooking up with some great fish and lots of them, but nothing over 5! Damn challenge isn't going to let me hook up with a big ones :0 Overall great warmup for the challenge and a wonderful evening on the water!


Went out the next day for a couple hours. Ended up like the evening before i kept catching quality bass and was somewhat consistent. Just nothing over 5lb. Was throwing a booyah padcrasher and some jigs. Unfortunately i only had one padcrasher on me. Between all the bass and pickerel tearing it up i was amazed the $6 frog held up for as long as it did. Ended up junking it before the end of the trip. I was fishing heavy submergent and emergent weeds. Ended up being another memorable day on the water besides a damn break off!! and congrats to all who are getting a chance to get out and trying to catch some big fish for the challenge

Tight lines MAFF

Posted 11 years ago

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Went down to my spot around 12:00 showed up with partly cloudy skies and a light breeze. I had good expectations with the temps in the 60s. Fished shallow just about the whole trip and slammed some piggy's. Landed lots of bass between the 3-6 range and landed a 7lb. No pics of the 7lb because my idiot self decided to record my trip on video with my phone and ended killing my battery. I was pissed off to say the least after boating her and some more bass before the end of the trip with nothing to show for it. Ended up still being a killer day though and i got some live action lunker footage. All bass were caught on blck/blue jig.

Posted 11 years ago

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Decided to take the boat out to my favorite spot and sure payed off. Arrived around 12:00 with bluebirds and a moderate breeze. At first i was just trying to get bit throwing crankbaits, swimbaits, jigs, but that wasn't doing much besides a random pickerel on a jig. Then i committed to flipping the shallow banks with a jig. The jig bite turned on and i stared rippin lips. I flipped every bit of bank cover and was dead sticking for around 3-30 secs. Ended pulling out some monster bass including a 8.5LB LMB (I feel like im going to get attacked for posting weight, but thats what my scale said and i check my scale every once in awhile to make sure its accurate) There was just lots of big bass in super shallow cover. Most of the hogs were under deep brush and a couple were just cruising around(caught swimming the jig back to the boat)
So i was flipping like there was no tomorrow. I reached this spot a little ways down the bank after the second big LMB and it was a THICK overhang bush. I every so perfectly flipped and BAMMM!!!! I hooked somthing that felt 2x the 8.5 time stood still and i panicked because with my drag locked down she ripped some line along with almost my arm. I saw this fat goliath dark mass stared shooting off in the blink of a eye whatever it was got off... Im almost 95% it was a bass just by the way it all happened and the fact i barely caught any pickerel. I was a little heart broken just thinking that i could hooked a bigger fish than the 8.5. Nothing i can do except keep going back. My dad and brother wanted to come out for a bit. By the time i picked them up(around 5:00) and started fishing again the flipping bite was gone. Ended up boating a couple more fish. Nothing huge though. Still was one of the best days i've every had fishing. A great day to remeber!

Posted 11 years ago

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Went to big rocky pond at 3:00 and had a decent time. Went straight to a spot that usually always produces a good amount of fish. Especially in the summer! It was right off a point that had a deep rock wall. Originally i had tied on a jointed shad rap, weightless fluke, and a jig but found out i forgot my weights so with the winds blowin i had to take off the fluke. Fished the point for a bit and caught one small bass off it. Fished the same spot for a few and moved around the point up to another point and caught two more bass with a couple hits. Fished out the spot and went back before dark. No big bass lurk in big rocky, but it's alot of fun fishing this pond and it's great for the winter months. All bass were caught on a jig in more than 15ft of water with temps unknown One hit it on the fall and the other two hit it creeping along the bottom. Overall i got my fix for a little while and got to try out some of my new gear so im happy :)

Posted 11 years ago

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