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Rainbow Trout Caught by Jim Thomas

Below are details for all the Rainbow Trout caught by Jim Thomas. This view provides a great way to see where and how Jim Thomas caught Rainbow Trout.

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From Trip: Big Pine
Trip Date:5/26/2009
Hotspot Title: Big Pine
# of Fish Caught: 15
Fish Length (Average): 15 inches
Fish Length (Max): 19 inches
Fish Weight (Average): 2 lbs. 12 oz.
Fish Weight (Max): 3 lbs. 8 oz.
Bait Type: In-Line Spinner
Bait Details: Panther Martin spinners and an assortment of crank baits. Everything worked.
Location Details: Big Pine Trout Farm
Longitude/Latitude: -80.11393547058098, 37.4912384242716
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From Trip: Roanoke River 5/21/09
Trip Date:5/21/2009
Hotspot Title: Roanoke River 5/21/09
# of Fish Caught: 12
Fish Length (Average): 11 inches
Fish Length (Max): 15 inches
Fish Weight (Average): 0 lbs. 0 oz.
Fish Weight (Max): 0 lbs. 0 oz.
Bait Type: In-Line Spinner
Bait Details: Used a gold Panther Martin for most of the fish, however the biggest fish came on a Crankbait
Location Details: Wading, multiple spots from 6:00 until 9:00 a.m.
Longitude/Latitude: -80.0720071792603, 37.2842970504632
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From Trip: Roanoke River 5/10/09
Trip Date:5/10/2009
Hotspot Title: Roanoke River 5-10-09
# of Fish Caught: 9
Fish Length (Average): 11 inches
Fish Length (Max): 12 inches
Fish Weight (Average): 1 lbs. 0 oz.
Fish Weight (Max): 0 lbs. 0 oz.
Bait Type:
Bait Details: Panter Martin spinner
Location Details: Fished the river below the bridge. The water has come down a little but is still brown. Clay and I fished for about 2 hours just before dark. Lots of hits! I caught 7 and Clay 2. I probably lost as many as I caught as the fast water made it difficult landing the fish.
Longitude/Latitude: -79.95656490325929, 37.262884999787104
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From Trip: Last chance at stocked trout for 2010
Trip Date:5/19/2010
Hotspot Title: additional trout
# of Fish Caught: 2
Fish Length (Average): 12 inches
Fish Length (Max): 12 inches
Fish Weight (Average): 1 lbs. 0 oz.
Fish Weight (Max): 1 lbs. 0 oz.
Bait Type: In-Line Spinner
Bait Details:
Location Details:
Longitude/Latitude: -80.070247650147, 37.281906852395
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From Trip: Roanoke River 32109
Trip Date:3/21/2009
Hotspot Title: Rainbow Trout
# of Fish Caught: 1
Fish Length (Average): 11 inches
Fish Length (Max): 11 inches
Fish Weight (Average): 0 lbs. 12 oz.
Fish Weight (Max): 0 lbs. 0 oz.
Bait Type: Crankbait
Bait Details: Rapala - Silver/black back
Location Details: Only caught one. It was in the quicker water.
Longitude/Latitude: -80.0584888458252, 37.280336109473204
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From Trip: Trout 03182011
Trip Date:3/18/2011
Hotspot Title: 03182011
# of Fish Caught: 1
Fish Length (Average): 10 inches
Fish Length (Max): 10 inches
Fish Weight (Average): 0 lbs. 8 oz.
Fish Weight (Max): 0 lbs. 8 oz.
Bait Type: In-Line Spinner
Bait Details:
Location Details:
Longitude/Latitude: -80.16019821167, 37.244678260741
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