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"Get Hooked on Florida"

Lightweight stream panfisherman

Group Info:

Name:  Lightweight stream panfisherman


This is group for people who like to catch stream panfish on a lightwieght or fly fishing pole.


Any cool pictures of the panfish you caught or the stream you fish at I will post them as group picture.



Mike H

John Sheehan

Ed. Roberts

Mark Sleeper

Bob Jones

George Flythe

You must be a member in order to add messages to this discussion.


05/15/13 01:16 PM
Had a great day yesterday, caught a few bluegill, and two pumpkinseeds. The pumpkinseed were small as were most of the bluegill. But I landed two one was 8 and3/8 of an inch. The other was a massive 9 and 3/8 inches! I was using 2lb test line. Lost many rigs to the rocky bottom of my local stream. Didn't have anything to take a picture with. I will try to get a picture some time this year of another giant. Good luck and tight lines.

01/05/13 02:24 PM
Small but fun and its always nice to catch an aggressive Native!

01/05/13 02:22 PM
A greenwood lake fish !

01/05/13 02:20 PM
Small but fun and its always nice to catch an aggressive Native!

12/31/12 12:34 PM
Had a fun time in August and September 2012 flyrodding for Red Breasted Sunfish in the Wanaque River and Ramapo River .More fun than spinning. Very aggressive little buggers .

04/12/12 01:33 AM
hows erybody doin? ive been catching alot of redbreasts and pumkinseeds lately they're hittin flies hard

02/24/12 11:05 PM
things are kinda quit with this club let me hear from some one OK

11/26/11 04:56 PM
Love to catch Red Breasted Sunfish in the small rivers in NE NJ!Thanks for the group.The camera I use (got it last Christmas),is an Olympus 'Stylus Tough' ,shockproof and waterproof model .

07/24/10 10:10 PM
Yall need a micro sd card to put in da phone download da stuff n put da card into the comp.

07/10/10 11:53 AM
Yo A J I need some help how do you download pixes from ur phone to da computer?

Misc Info

Group Created By:

Date Established:
Jul 07, 2010

Type: Public
Visibility: National
# Members: 7
Views: 40108

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