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Grilled Feaux Scallops (Skate Wings) Recipe for Winter Skate

Title: Grilled Feaux Scallops (Skate Wings)
by bassprochuck
Type: Appetizer
Servings: 4
Difficulty: Intermediate
Prep Time: 15 to 20 minutes
Cook Time: 4-6 minutes
Ingredients: 1 to 2lbs of prepped skate wing scallops
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 grated lemon peel
2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil
2 tablespoons chopped chives
1 clove garlic, chopped
Salt and pepper (I prefer cayenne or Tony's)
Directions: Prepping Skate:
Cut the wings off. Next dip the wings in boiling water for 20 seconds, the skin should peel off with a fork. Then fillet the flesh off the cartilage like you would with a flounder. Now you can cover in buttermilk, or mix a 1/4 cup of flour with about a quart of water in a blender and cover with that. Put in the fridge at least a couple of hours before you're ready to cook.

Prepping Meat:
Use a small round cookie cutter and punch out the flesh into a lot of "scallops".

1. In a bowl, mix all the ingredients, then add the scallops mixing all together. Cover with plastic wrap and marinade for another hour or so.

2. Skewer the scallops and cook on preheated grill for about 2 minutes per side or until scallops turn opaque. Do not overcook!! They will get really rubbery. Remove from grill and serve hot!

3. Garnish if you wish with lemon slices or basil leaves if you have some left over.

Bon Appetit!!
Other Notes: You can sub this with stingray, dogfish and I have heard mako shark meat! Give it a try. I know this takes a bit of work but if we catch it and kill it then it behooves us to make use of it. Follow these directions and use the prepped meat to sub in your favorite scallop recipes and you will find it's well worth the trouble!
Date Added: 07/03/09 04:50 PM

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