Louisa Lake Fishing Report

5 Rating based on 8 Reviews

First Ice Out

I made my first trip out on the ice on Sunday. After hauling my sled full of gear down the hill onto the ice I cut 4 holes with my ice saw. No action for at least an hour. I relocated further down the lake towards the dam (the water is much deeper here) and reset. After a about 30 minutes my first flag went up and I had a nice ~2lb bass on the line. About 20 minutes later the same tip-up sprang and I had a solid pickerel. After another hour of nothing but a cool breeze and watching the sun sink I had two flags go off in a 5 second span. I got to the first trap and pulled up a frozen shinner - the fish had spit the bait. The second trap was still spinning, although very slowly. I made my way over and pulled up the line. I could feel the fish tugging and hauled it in and got myself the last fish of the day - another small bass.

Overall it was a nice way to the start the year. I'm still looking to snag an ice hog though.

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