Burbot Details

  • Water Type: freshwater
  • Latin Name: Lota lota
  • Common Names: Cusk, Lawyer, Eelfish, Ling, freshwater cod, dogfish, lush, loche, freshwater eel
  • Last Modified By: pramsey on 09/05/10 06:59 PM
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... carpmaster posted in NH
... oldsalt posted in NH

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Burbot Description

The Burbot(aka Cusk) is the only freshwater member of the codfish family. Like the Bullhead, it is a bottom feeder and will eat nearly anything. It is a cold water fish and is chiefly found in larger, cool, deep lakes. They are not very active during summer months and, therefore, is usually taken through the ice. It is mostly a nighttime feeder, but may also be taken on dark cloudy days. Since it's flesh is firm and very tasty, this fish is often sought by local fisherman. They are easily taken by bottom fishing at night with cut bait or live minnows. Cusk can grow to a length of 4 feet and a weight of 75 pounds. In New Hampshire however, a 5 pound fish is large, and the largest recorded is 11 pounds 2.2 ounces and 34.25 inches taken from Sunapee Lake in 1984. Reports occur, however, of fish that were substantially larger.

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